Submitting Artwork for Promotional Items
When Submitting Art
Please supply camera-ready art (CRA) that is clean and sharp with a very high black/white contrast that needs no further touchup, color separation, design or modification before and/or during the pre-press process. We prefer an Illustrator EPS format. We reserve the right to determine whether art received is CRA and reject as CRA, artwork that will not reproduce properly (e.g. faxed art, business cards, products with the imprint, photocopies of artwork, letterhead, newspaper or yellow page ads and low resolution electronic files such as .jpeg or .tiff files). In the art submitted, designate whether any borders around your art, such as squares or circles should be included or removed in the final art design, otherwise we will process art at our sole discretion using our best judgment. Also, please include legible instructions that are printed or typed with regards to your artwork to avoid any misinterpretations. Faxed art is accepted only for exact repeat orders or repeats with copy changes and new orders with straight-line copy or new orders using stock art. A variety of non-licensed stock art created “in-house” and most of the Augustine Blue Book logos are available without submission of CRA. When CRA or stock art is not available, we can provide services to design or modify art as necessary and charges will be applicable at an hourly rate (see below).
Sizing of Art
Specify what size art submitted should be reproduced at (e.g. exact size as submitted, maximum size of imprint area, etc.). If sizing is not specified, we will reproduce at our discretion for best appearance. Maximum imprint areas are listed in our catalog for all items. Always remember that artwork is enlarged or reduced proportionately by both height and width. Therefore, when you request the maximum imprint area, it is possible that only one of the dimensions will be the same as the maximum imprint area shown in the catalog. Please consider requesting a paper proof if size is absolutely critical.
Placement of Art
Specify imprint location. For example on coffee mugs or other handled items, side 1 or front would refer to placement of art so that it faces a right-handed drinker when holding the mug; side 2 or back would refer to placement so that it faces away from a right-handed drinker; opposite handled would be centered opposite the handle; wrap imprint would refer to art that starts on side one and continues to side two and includes the area opposite the handle. Please refer to diagram below for referencing placement of art on handled items. Examples of placement of art instructions on some sewn items would be centered on side 1, lower right corner of side 1, upper left corner on side 1, centered on side 1 and side 2, centered on pocket or centered on pocket and on chest (for aprons), etc. A diagram of where you would like your art placed can be helpful.
Art Charge
If art needs modification, “cleaning up” or if it needs to be completely reconstructed to produce a quality imprint, we can provide that service at a small fee depending on the service you need for your order. For a quote email us at
Electronic/Digital Art Files
Media – We can accept 3.5″ floppy disks, LS-120 Super Disks, 100MB Zip Disks or CD ROM.
Graphics Programs – Adobe Illustrator is the primary graphics program used for processing all artwork in our shop. When using any other graphics program, please ensure that the art file is exported as an .eps file and that the art is vectored. Art produced in Mac or PC using Adobe Illustrator 10, Corel Draw 10 or Freehand 9 (or lower versions) and then saved as an .eps file with vectored art will be acceptable as CRA in most cases. For compressed files, we can accept Aladdin Stuffit or WinZip.
Submitting Art via Email
When submitting art via email, please include the following information for your order;
Order information (e.g. item, quantity, imprint colors, ship method, whether there is an event date, etc.).
Art instructions regarding imprint size, location typestyles to use, etc.
Include the names of the files attached in an email.
Art files should be sent as an attachment to the email message and should be sent to
Include information regarding fonts used, postscript files, suitcases, etc. and create curves or outlines (vectored) for those type fonts.